List of 5 best universities in Faisalabad
Top 5 universities in Faisalabad ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 500K citations received by 28.2K academic publications made by 5 universities from Faisalabad, the popularity of 5 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Faisalabad
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
82 | University of Sargodha | 25 | Sargodha |
113 | University of Central Punjab | 19 | Lahore |
117 | University of Lahore | 15 | Lahore |
117 | University of Education - Pakistan | 24 | Lahore |
117 | University of Management and Technology - Lahore | 26 | Lahore |
117 | Forman Christian College | 30 | Lahore |
117 | Lahore College for Women University | 32 | Lahore |
117 | University of Health Sciences, Lahore | 43 | Lahore |
117 | Kinnaird College for Women | 54 | Lahore |
117 | Lahore School of Economics | 63 | Lahore |