Best university in Fort Valley, GA



We ranked Fort Valley State University based on its reputation, research performance, and alumni impact. The rankings are determined by analyzing 14.3K citations received by 952 academic publications made by the university from Fort Valley, the popularity of 7 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.

1. Fort Valley State University

#25 in Georgia
Acceptance Rate
Average SAT
Average ACT
Receiving Aid

Universities near Fort Valley

Distance, km
Country rank
32 Middle Georgia State University 1030
United States Flag
Macon, Georgia
38 Mercer University 343
United States Flag
Macon, Georgia
40 Wesleyan College 1387
United States Flag
Macon, Georgia
61 Gordon State College 1415
United States Flag
Barnesville, Georgia
63 Georgia Southwestern State University 1216
United States Flag
Americus, Georgia
85 Georgia College & State University 481
United States Flag
Milledgeville, Georgia
85 Georgia Military College 1628
United States Flag
Milledgeville, Georgia
99 Columbus State University 686
United States Flag
Columbus, Georgia
112 Albany State University 413
United States Flag
Albany, Georgia
121 LaGrange College 1372
United States Flag
LaGrange, Georgia