Best university in Grayson, KY



We ranked Kentucky Christian University based on its reputation, research performance, and alumni impact. The rankings are determined by analyzing 241 citations received by 49 academic publications made by the university from Grayson, the popularity of recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.

1. Kentucky Christian University

#29 in Kentucky
Acceptance Rate
Average SAT
Average ACT
Net Price

Universities near Grayson

Distance, km
Country rank
33 Tri-State Bible College 2392
United States Flag
South Point, Ohio
44 Shawnee State University 1341
United States Flag
Portsmouth, Ohio
46 Marshall University 293
United States Flag
Huntington, West Virginia
46 Morehead State University 701
United States Flag
Morehead, Kentucky
78 University of Rio Grande 1513
United States Flag
Rio Grande, Ohio
92 Kentucky Mountain Bible College 2088
United States Flag
Jackson, Kentucky
102 University of Pikeville 1441
United States Flag
Pikeville, Kentucky
103 West Virginia State University 867
United States Flag
Institute, West Virginia
111 Alice Lloyd College 1808
United States Flag
Pippa Passes, Kentucky
116 University of Charleston 1000
United States Flag
Charleston, West Virginia