List of 37 best universities in Tashkent
Top 37 universities in Tashkent ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 44.2K citations received by 13.6K academic publications made by 37 universities from Tashkent, the popularity of 88 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Tashkent
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
98 | Syrdariya University | 50 | Zhetisay |
99 | Gulistan State University | 57 | Guliston |
114 | Tajikistan State University of Law, Business and Politics | 12 | Khujand |
115 | University "Miras" | 59 | Shymkent |
115 | South Kazakhstan Medical Academy | 72 | Shymkent |
115 | South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute | 85 | Shymkent |
115 | SILKWAY International University | 89 | Shymkent |
115 | International Humanitarian Technical University | 98 | Shymkent |
115 | Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples | 103 | Shymkent |
115 | South-Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute | 106 | Shymkent |