Franklin Pierce University: Rankings



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Franklin Pierce University ranked 1082nd in the United States, 4102nd in the global 2024 rating, and scored in 42 research topics. Franklin Pierce University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 698 academic publications and 10,500 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 9 notable alumni.

Ranking Category
#4102 of 14,131 In the World
#1154 of 2,597 In North America
#1082 of 2,496 In the United States
#9 of 16 In New Hampshire
#214 of 1,054 For Intellectual Property and Patent Law
#1274 of 2,413 For Sports Medicine
#1410 of 3,630 For Physical Therapy
#2969 of 7,738 For Alumni Impact
#4483 of 14,131 For Non-academic Prominence

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Acceptance rate and other statistics

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences rankings

Franklin Pierce University ranked 936th for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 4235th in the World with 464 publications made and 5,322 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Law, Sociology, Philosophy, History.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ranking Location
#936 of 1,728 In the United States
#1008 of 1,819 In North America
#4235 of 7,020 In the World

Franklin Pierce University
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Publications & Citations

Year Liberal Arts & Social Sciences publications Liberal Arts & Social Sciences citations
1991 4 1
1992 6 1
1993 3 2
1994 6 4
1995 6 5
1996 4 3
1997 4 7
1998 2 9
1999 2 3
2000 6 11
2001 3 8
2002 5 5
2003 12 18
2004 15 12
2005 12 15
2006 18 23
2007 17 41
2008 25 78
2009 16 94
2010 18 148
2011 15 158
2012 21 232
2013 14 258
2014 17 261
2015 17 294
2016 23 245
2017 18 302
2018 34 295
2019 32 390
2020 16 445
2021 16 510
2022 10 609
2023 9 526

The following table provides academic rankings for Franklin Pierce University in various areas of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Intellectual Property and Patent Law 96 107 214
Law 911 981 3701
Political Science 901 972 3827
Sociology 1020 1092 4206
History 1036 1109 4579
Philosophy 1016 1092 4659
Archaeology 1062 1137 4998
Linguistics 1114 1190 5199

Medicine rankings

Franklin Pierce University ranked 826th for Medicine in the United States and 3892nd in the World with 328 publications made and 9,463 citations received. Main research topics: Physical Therapy, Pathology, Surgery, Psychiatry, Sports Medicine.

Medicine ranking Location
#826 of 1,558 In the United States
#890 of 1,643 In North America
#3892 of 6,680 In the World

Franklin Pierce University
Medicine Publications & Citations

Year Medicine publications Medicine citations
1991 0 2
1992 1 1
1993 0 1
1994 3 4
1995 1 4
1996 0 4
1997 0 3
1998 2 3
1999 0 0
2000 3 5
2001 0 6
2002 1 2
2003 2 8
2004 5 5
2005 4 10
2006 6 31
2007 12 54
2008 16 108
2009 16 199
2010 15 256
2011 17 340
2012 13 393
2013 12 462
2014 13 457
2015 16 557
2016 24 541
2017 18 556
2018 37 613
2019 33 709
2020 18 813
2021 17 927
2022 9 978
2023 8 913

The following table provides academic rankings for Franklin Pierce University in various areas of Medicine.

Medicine subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Sports Medicine 349 388 1274
Physical Therapy 359 397 1410
Health Science 691 740 2175
Nursing 638 693 2260
Surgery 521 563 2409
Anatomy and Physiology 616 668 2991
Radiology and Nuclear medicine 602 650 3068
Pathology 670 724 3444
Psychiatry 907 972 3710

Biology rankings

Franklin Pierce University ranked 1044th for Biology in the United States and 5115th in the World with 258 publications made and 6,649 citations received. Main research topics: Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Genetics, Paleontology.

Biology ranking Location
#1044 of 1,582 In the United States
#1113 of 1,668 In North America
#5115 of 6,770 In the World

Franklin Pierce University
Biology Publications & Citations

Year Biology publications Biology citations
1991 1 0
1992 0 0
1993 1 1
1994 3 4
1995 3 2
1996 1 0
1997 0 4
1998 1 6
1999 1 1
2000 0 5
2001 0 4
2002 1 3
2003 4 13
2004 11 9
2005 5 15
2006 6 22
2007 7 29
2008 16 63
2009 8 140
2010 13 169
2011 11 194
2012 13 258
2013 12 276
2014 11 290
2015 8 374
2016 14 342
2017 13 379
2018 24 434
2019 20 485
2020 15 546
2021 9 621
2022 6 725
2023 9 634

The following table provides academic rankings for Franklin Pierce University in various areas of Biology.

Biology subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Neuroscience 936 1003 3996
Paleontology 1015 1084 5008
Biochemistry 1104 1173 5246
Genetics 1192 1261 5521

Psychology rankings

Franklin Pierce University ranked 965th for Psychology in the United States and 4024th in the World with 246 publications made and 6,352 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Social Psychology, Child Psychology.

Psychology ranking Location
#965 of 1,527 In the United States
#1033 of 1,612 In North America
#4024 of 6,528 In the World

Franklin Pierce University
Psychology Publications & Citations

Year Psychology publications Psychology citations
1991 0 1
1992 0 1
1993 0 0
1994 2 3
1995 0 2
1996 0 3
1997 1 3
1998 0 4
1999 0 0
2000 2 4
2001 0 5
2002 0 3
2003 1 6
2004 4 7
2005 3 6
2006 8 18
2007 8 23
2008 12 60
2009 11 109
2010 14 149
2011 13 192
2012 16 222
2013 11 282
2014 11 280
2015 8 361
2016 13 319
2017 13 361
2018 25 399
2019 28 438
2020 12 533
2021 12 612
2022 8 688
2023 5 602

The following table provides academic rankings for Franklin Pierce University in various areas of Psychology.

Psychology subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Child Psychology 761 821 2522
Psychiatry 907 972 3710
Neuroscience 936 1003 3996
Social Psychology 1103 1174 4531

Computer Science rankings

Franklin Pierce University ranked 1033rd for Computer Science in the United States and 4994th in the World with 239 publications made and 5,152 citations received. Main research topics: Neuroscience, Machine Learning.

Computer Science ranking Location
#1033 of 1,576 In the United States
#1106 of 1,662 In North America
#4994 of 6,752 In the World

Franklin Pierce University
Computer Science Publications & Citations

Year Computer Science publications Computer Science citations
1991 1 0
1992 1 1
1993 0 0
1994 0 2
1995 1 2
1996 1 2
1997 0 2
1998 1 2
1999 0 0
2000 1 6
2001 2 6
2002 0 1
2003 8 5
2004 4 4
2005 2 5
2006 10 13
2007 12 20
2008 12 54
2009 8 109
2010 16 129
2011 12 192
2012 9 178
2013 11 225
2014 10 222
2015 7 275
2016 18 277
2017 9 261
2018 20 346
2019 17 349
2020 8 415
2021 10 439
2022 6 520
2023 6 442

The following table provides academic rankings for Franklin Pierce University in various areas of Computer Science.

Computer Science subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Neuroscience 936 1003 3996
Machine Learning 867 935 4747

Environmental Science rankings

Franklin Pierce University ranked 1039th for Environmental Science in the United States and 5184th in the World with 203 publications made and 3,425 citations received. Main research topics: Geography and Cartography, Geology, Ecology, Paleontology.

Environmental Science ranking Location
#1039 of 1,598 In the United States
#1111 of 1,687 In North America
#5184 of 6,798 In the World

Franklin Pierce University
Environmental Science Publications & Citations

Year Environmental Science publications Environmental Science citations
1991 2 0
1992 0 0
1993 2 1
1994 4 0
1995 3 2
1996 3 2
1997 1 6
1998 1 3
1999 0 2
2000 2 7
2001 1 7
2002 2 7
2003 4 14
2004 10 11
2005 4 17
2006 8 25
2007 9 31
2008 9 38
2009 4 79
2010 5 76
2011 6 93
2012 13 153
2013 11 133
2014 11 184
2015 5 138
2016 8 201
2017 8 186
2018 13 193
2019 12 242
2020 8 236
2021 9 305
2022 4 344
2023 7 291

The following table provides academic rankings for Franklin Pierce University in various areas of Environmental Science.

Environmental Science subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Geology 953 1022 4855
Paleontology 1015 1084 5008
Ecology 1038 1112 5217
Geography and Cartography 1091 1166 5311

Mathematics rankings

Franklin Pierce University ranked 888th for Mathematics in the United States and 4378th in the World with 158 publications made and 5,711 citations received. Main research topic: Statistics.

Mathematics ranking Location
#888 of 1,371 In the United States
#955 of 1,451 In North America
#4378 of 6,305 In the World

Franklin Pierce University
Mathematics Publications & Citations

Year Mathematics publications Mathematics citations
1995 0 1
1996 0 1
1997 0 2
1998 0 1
1999 0 0
2000 0 2
2001 0 1
2002 0 0
2003 0 1
2004 3 1
2005 1 4
2006 2 11
2007 11 20
2008 14 35
2009 9 84
2010 8 85
2011 10 84
2012 5 113
2013 10 171
2014 6 205
2015 5 178
2016 13 169
2017 4 183
2018 15 237
2019 14 240
2020 8 300
2021 6 325
2022 3 361
2023 6 348

The following table provides academic rankings for Franklin Pierce University in various areas of Mathematics.

Mathematics subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Statistics 837 904 4298

Other rankings

Non-core subjects for Franklin Pierce University

Speciality United States North America World Rank
Art & Design 1093 1170 4604
Business 1003 1076 4741
Economics 1110 1185 5033
Quantum and Particle physics 1113 1186 5425
Physics 1127 1202 5509
Chemistry 1132 1202 5565
Engineering 1145 1218 5662