Hope College of Arts and Sciences Rankings

EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#13208 of 14,131 In the World
#2530 of 2,597 In North America
#2429 of 2,496 In the United States
#108 of 109 In Florida

Quick Review

Acceptance rate
Avg. cost to attend
$11,776 /y
Aid receiving
Male:Female Ratio
Highest Degree
Associate's degree

Hope College of Arts and Sciences Acceptance rate and admissions statistics

Hope College of Arts and Sciences has an acceptance rate of 100% and is among the 23% of the easiest universities to gain admission to in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

82 students enrolled in some distance education courses.

Admissions requirements

The Hope College of Arts and Sciences has an open admission policy (non-competitive). The only requirement is a certificate of attendance or a highschool diploma or a General Educational Development certificate.

Enrollment demographics by race or ethnicity

Black or African American 76 (93%)
White 2 (2%)
Asian 2 (2%)
Hispanic 2 (2%)

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

The average net cost to attend Hope College of Arts and Sciences is $11,776 per year, calculated as the sum of the average cost of tuition, room and board, books, and supplies, reduced by the amount of average financial aid received.

The final cost of attendance varies for each student based on household income, residency, program, and other factors.

Net average cost to attend
Average aid awarded
Students receiving aid

Average costs by household income

<$30K $11,974
$30-48K $10,948
$48-75K $17,222
$75-110K $17,222
$110K+ $17,222

Hope College of Arts and Sciences majors

Major Associate
Registered Nursing & Registered Nurse 48
Grand Total 48

Hope College of Arts and Sciences has a graduation rate of 0%, which is among the 0% lowest for universities in the US.

  • Full-time retention rate - 100%

General info

Total FTE staff 15
Carnegie classification Not applicable, not in Carnegie universe (not accredited or nondegree-granting)

Location and contacts

Address 1200 SW 3rd Street
Pompano Beach, Florida, 33069-3240
United States
City population 112,000
Phone 9545329614