Lake Erie College: Rankings



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Lake Erie College ranked 1566th in the United States, 5873rd in the global 2024 rating, and scored in 10 research topics. Lake Erie College ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 208 academic publications and 1,619 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 12 notable alumni.

Ranking Category
#5873 of 14,131 In the World
#1652 of 2,597 In North America
#1566 of 2,496 In the United States
#62 of 90 In Ohio
#5419 of 6,537 For Law
#5598 of 6,606 For Political Science
#5915 of 6,270 For History
#2974 of 7,738 For Alumni Impact
#7026 of 14,131 For Non-academic Prominence

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Acceptance rate and other statistics

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences rankings

Lake Erie College ranked 1470th for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 6176th in the World with 150 publications made and 952 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Law, History, Philosophy.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ranking Location
#1470 of 1,728 In the United States
#1557 of 1,819 In North America
#6176 of 7,020 In the World

Lake Erie College
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Publications & Citations

Year Liberal Arts & Social Sciences publications Liberal Arts & Social Sciences citations
1991 2 2
1992 2 4
1993 1 2
1994 0 3
1995 4 5
1996 3 4
1997 1 1
1998 0 14
1999 1 1
2000 0 8
2001 3 7
2002 1 6
2003 1 11
2004 4 10
2005 1 12
2006 2 4
2007 2 10
2008 1 22
2009 5 29
2010 6 30
2011 4 30
2012 3 47
2013 5 66
2014 9 48
2015 5 50
2016 3 46
2017 3 50
2018 5 59
2019 6 68
2020 6 62
2021 5 69
2022 1 63
2023 2 54

The following table provides academic rankings for Lake Erie College in various areas of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Law 1311 1389 5419
Political Science 1341 1422 5598
History 1384 1468 5915
Philosophy 1406 1493 5951

Other rankings

Non-core subjects for Lake Erie College

Speciality United States North America World Rank
Medicine 1459 1537 6191
Computer Science 1451 1534 6312
Biology 1488 1570 6428
Engineering 1458 1540 6488
Environmental Science 1566 1654 6664