Mechon L'hoyroa Rankings best universities badge
Ranking Category
#13220 of 14,131 In the World
#2531 of 2,597 In North America
#2430 of 2,496 In the United States
#179 of 221 In New York State
#1 of 9 In Monsey

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Acceptance rate
Highest Degree
Bachelor's degree

Mechon L'hoyroa Acceptance rate and admissions statistics

Mechon L'hoyroa has an acceptance rate of 100% and is among the 23% of the easiest universities to gain admission to in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

Admissions requirements

Mechon L'hoyroa has an open admission policy (non-competitive). The only requirement is a certificate of attendance or a highschool diploma or a General Educational Development certificate.

Enrollment demographics by race or ethnicity

White 124 (100%)

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

Tuition and fees

Tuition in-district $11,800
Tuition in-state $11,800
Tuition out-of-state $11,800

Mechon L'hoyroa majors

Mechon L'hoyroa has granted 14 bachelor's degrees in Talmudic Studies. Below is a table with majors that lead to degrees at Mechon L'hoyroa.

Major Bachelor
Talmudic Studies 14
Grand Total 14

General info

Total FTE staff 13
Carnegie classification Not applicable, not in Carnegie universe (not accredited or nondegree-granting)

Location and contacts

Address 168 Maple Avenue
Monsey, New York, 10952-2710
United States
City population 27,000
Phone 8454259565