Patna University ranked 193rd in India, 4464th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in 75 research topics. Patna University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 1,652 academic publications and 15,064 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 47 notable alumni.
Patna University ranked 294th for Chemistry in India and 3577th in the World with 976 publications made and 11,606 citations received. Main research topics: Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Physical chemistry.
Patna University ranked 301st for Biology in India and 3883rd in the World with 945 publications made and 11,219 citations received. Main research topics: Biochemistry, Genetics, Paleontology, Botany, Agricultural Science.
Patna University ranked 316th for Engineering in India and 3979th in the World with 783 publications made and 9,098 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Metallurgical Engineering, Optical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering.
Patna University ranked 295th for Physics in India and 3872nd in the World with 773 publications made and 8,096 citations received. Main research topics: Quantum and Particle physics, Materials Science, Optical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Nanotechnology.
Patna University ranked 316th for Environmental Science in India and 4184th in the World with 715 publications made and 7,861 citations received. Main research topics: Geology, Ecology, Geography and Cartography, Paleontology, Environmental Chemistry.
Patna University ranked 310th for Medicine in India and 4345th in the World with 642 publications made and 5,972 citations received. Main research topics: Pathology, Public Health, Immunology, Psychiatry, Surgery.
Patna University ranked 312th for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in India and 5097th in the World with 535 publications made and 3,692 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Sociology, Philosophy, Law, History.
Patna University ranked 354th for Computer Science in India and 4798th in the World with 404 publications made and 2,832 citations received. Main research topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Telecommunications, Neuroscience, Cyber Security.
Patna University ranked 330th for Psychology in India and 5120th in the World with 218 publications made and 1,606 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Social Psychology, Neuroscience.
Patna University ranked 338th for Mathematics in India and 4926th in the World with 209 publications made and 1,276 citations received. Main research topic: Statistics.
Patna University ranked 272nd for Economics in India and 4479th in the World with 148 publications made and 1,396 citations received. Main research topic: Development Studies.