Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom Rankings

EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#9247 of 14,131 In the World
#2243 of 2,597 In North America
#2146 of 2,496 In the United States
#53 of 57 In Washington
#2 of 2 In Lakewood

Quick Review

Acceptance rate
Aid receiving
Male:Female Ratio
Highest Degree
Bachelor's degree

Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom Acceptance rate and admissions statistics

Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom has an acceptance rate of 100% and is among the 23% of the easiest universities to gain admission to in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

2,307 students enrolled in some distance education courses.

3,487 enrolled exclusively in distance education.

Admissions requirements

Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom has an open admission policy (non-competitive). The only requirement is a certificate of attendance or a highschool diploma or a General Educational Development certificate.

Enrollment demographics by race or ethnicity

White 2932 (40%)
Hispanic 1399 (19%)
Two or more races 883 (12%)
Race or Ethnicity unknown 708 (10%)
Black or African American 648 (9%)
Asian 572 (8%)
Nonresident Alien 137 (2%)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 107 (1%)
American Indian or Alaska Native 11 (0.1%)

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

The final cost of attendance varies for each student based on household income, residency, program, and other factors.

Average aid awarded
Students receiving aid

Tuition and fees

Tuition in-district $4,074
Tuition in-state $4,074
Tuition out-of-state $4,599
Fee in-district $612
Fee in-state $612
Fee out-of-state $612

Room and board costs

Dormitory capacity 64
Room charge $6,300

Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom majors

Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom has granted 70 bachelor's degrees across 5 programs. Below is a table with majors that lead to degrees at Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom.

Major Associate Bachelor
Liberal Arts and Sciences & Liberal Studies 1,171
Business & Commerce, General 89
Registered Nursing & Registered Nurse 77
Early Childhood Education and Teaching 19 26
Physical Sciences, General 41
Biology & Biological Sciences, General 36
Business Administration and Management, General 19 13
Computer Graphics 25
Dental Hygiene & Hygienist 22
Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Administration 20
Medical Administrative & Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary 16
Veterinary & Animal Health Technology & Technician and Veterinary Assistant 16
System, Networking, and LAN & WAN Management & Manager 11
Accounting Technology & Technician and Bookkeeping 10
Sport and Fitness Administration & Management 10
Crisis & Emergency & Disaster Management 2 7
Organizational Leadership 9
Data Modeling & Warehousing and Database Administration 7
Construction Management, General 6
Emergency Care Attendant (EMT Ambulance) 4
Music, General 4
Fire Services Administration 1 2
Medical Informatics 3
Office Management and Supervision 3
Psychiatric & Mental Health Services Technician 3
Information Technology 2
Occupational Safety and Health Technology & Technician 2
General Office Occupations and Clerical Services 1
Teacher Assistant & Aide 1
Grand Total 1,608 70

Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom has a graduation rate of 31%, which is among the 13% lowest for universities in the US.

Total Men Women
Graduation rate 31% 26% 34%

General info

Total FTE staff 626
Carnegie classification Associate's Colleges: High Transfer-High Nontraditional

Location and contacts

Address 9401 Farwest Dr SW
Lakewood, Washington, 98498-1999
United States
City population 64,000
Phone 2539646500