Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Rankings

EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#11619 of 14,131 In the World
#2450 of 2,597 In North America
#2349 of 2,496 In the United States
#41 of 52 In Puerto Rico
#3 of 3 In Arecibo

Quick Review

Highest Degree
Doctor's degree
Acceptance rate

* Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana is among the institutions that don't provide data on acceptance rates. This might happen because the university has programs where applicants only need to meet admission requirements to enroll and don't necessarily compete with others.

We estimate the above acceptance rate based on admission statistics of closely-ranked nearby universities with similar research profiles that do publish such data.

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

Tuition and fees

Tuition in-district $10,500
Tuition in-state $10,500
Tuition out-of-state $10,500
Fee in-district $450
Fee in-state $450
Fee out-of-state $450

General info

Alternative names UNINI
Carnegie classification Master's Colleges & Universities: Larger Programs

Location and contacts

Address Carr. 658, Km. 1.3, Barrio Arenalejos, Sector Palache
Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 00613
United States
City population 88,000
Phone 7878782123