Wilmington University Rankings

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EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#7558 of 14,131 In the World
#2040 of 2,597 In North America
#1947 of 2,496 In the United States
#5 of 5 In Delaware

Quick Review

Acceptance rate
Avg. cost to attend
$14,267 /y
Aid receiving
Male:Female Ratio
Highest Degree
Doctor's degree

Wilmington University Acceptance rate and admissions statistics

Wilmington University has an acceptance rate of 100% and is among the 23% of the easiest universities to gain admission to in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

1,583 students enrolled in some distance education courses.

10,941 enrolled exclusively in distance education.

Admissions requirements

Wilmington University has an open admission policy (non-competitive). The only requirement is a certificate of attendance or a highschool diploma or a General Educational Development certificate.

Enrollment demographics by race or ethnicity

White 6570 (45%)
Black or African American 3074 (21%)
Hispanic 1780 (12%)
Nonresident Alien 1758 (12%)
Two or more races 568 (4%)
Asian 468 (3%)
Race or Ethnicity unknown 381 (3%)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 26 (0.2%)
American Indian or Alaska Native 21 (0.1%)

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

The average net cost to attend Wilmington University is $14,267 per year, calculated as the sum of the average cost of tuition, room and board, books, and supplies, reduced by the amount of average financial aid received.

The final cost of attendance varies for each student based on household income, residency, program, and other factors.

Net average cost to attend
Average aid awarded
Students receiving aid

Average costs by household income

<$30K $15,221
$30-48K $15,498
$48-75K $16,306
$75-110K $19,326
$110K+ $18,455

Tuition and fees

Tuition in-district $12,270$9,432
Tuition in-state $12,270$9,432
Tuition out-of-state $12,270$9,432
Fee in-district $60$60
Fee in-state $60$60
Fee out-of-state $60$60

Wilmington University majors

Wilmington University has granted 1,456 bachelor's degrees across 43 programs, 1,807 master's across 35 programs, and 145 doctorate degrees across 6 programs. Below is a table with majors that lead to degrees at Wilmington University.

Major Associate Bachelor Master Doctoral
Business Administration and Management, General 122 371 18
Computer and Information Systems Security & Auditing & Information Assurance 6 103 361
Educational Leadership and Administration, General 128 32
Registered Nursing & Registered Nurse 137
Health Services & Allied Health & Health Sciences, General 132
Special Education and Teaching, General 124
Computer & Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other 18 104
Social Sciences, General 120
Computer Science 107
Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Administration 83 19
Elementary Education and Teaching 76 26
Psychology, General 93
Education, General 42 49
Liberal Arts and Sciences & Liberal Studies 21 54
Counselor Education & School Counseling and Guidance Services 72
Nursing Education 72
Human Resources Management & Personnel Administration, General 40 26
Accounting 31 30
Nursing Administration 52
Organizational Behavior Studies 52
Human Services, General 49
Family Practice Nurse & Nursing 42
Nursing Practice 42
Finance, General 1 22 18
Higher Education & Higher Education Administration 14 25
Educational & Instructional Technology 35
Social Sciences, Other 20 13
Computer Graphics 2 27
Marketing & Marketing Management, General 29
Accounting and Finance 28
Community Health and Preventive Medicine 24
Reading Teacher Education 24
Corrections and Criminal Justice, Other 20
Organizational Leadership 2 3 15
Mental Health Counseling & Counselor 19
Business Statistics 17
Management Information Systems, General 15
Environmental Science 14
Homeland Security 14
Journalism 14
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing, Other 14
Computer Game Programming 13
Legal Assistant & Paralegal 13
Sport and Fitness Administration & Management 13
Biology & Biological Sciences, General 11
Secondary Education and Teaching 11
Business & Corporate Communications, General 9
Health & Health Care Administration & Management 9
Political Science and Government, General 9
Accounting and Business & Management 8
Information Technology 2 6
Business Analytics 7
Early Childhood Education and Teaching 1 6
Data Analytics, General 6
Digital Communication and Media & Multimedia 2 4
Computer Software and Media Applications, Other 5
Non-Profit & Public & Organizational Management 5
Communication Management and Strategic Communications 4
Design and Visual Communications, General 4
Social Science Teacher Education 4
Technical Teacher Education 2 2
Biotechnology 2
Information Technology Project Management 2
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language & ESL Language Instructor 2
Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics, and Special Effects 1
Cinematography and Film & Video Production 1
English & Language Arts Teacher Education 1
General Studies 1
Mathematics Teacher Education 1
Science Teacher Education & General Science Teacher Education 1
Grand Total 43 1,456 1,807 145

Wilmington University has a graduation rate of 23%, which is among the 6% lowest for universities in the US.

Total Men Women
Graduation rate 23% 17% 28%
  • Full-time retention rate - 54%
  • Part-time retention rate - 34%

Notable alumni

  1. Francis D. Vavala

    Francis D. Vavala
    Born in
    United States Flag United States
    1947-.. (age 78)
    military personnel

    General Francis D. Vavala is a retired Army National Guard officer who served as the Adjutant General of the State of Delaware. He received the promotion in February 1999 after the retirement of Major General George Hastings. In April 2017, Vavala was promoted to general in the Delaware Militia in honor of 50 years of service. He is the first Delaware National Guardsman to achieve four-star rank and one of the very few American service members to have risen from private to four-star general.

  2. Paul Bechly

    Paul Bechly
    Born in
    United States Flag United States
    1958-.. (age 67)
    Enrolled in Wilmington University
    In 2018 graduated with Doctor of Business Administration
    authorpublisherfinancial analystjournalistchemical engineer

    Paul Lorin Bechly is an American chemical engineer known for his work in the development of an environmentally-oriented perfluorocarbon gas policy for DuPont and other industries. He currently works in the financial industry.

  3. Carol A. Timmons

    Carol A. Timmons
    Born in
    United States Flag United States
    1958-2020 (aged 62)
    military leadermilitary personnel

    Major General Carol A. Timmons was an American military officer who served as Adjutant General of Delaware from February 1, 2017, until her retirement on March 2, 2019. She was also the first female general in Delaware National Guard history.

  4. R. Thomas Wagner, Jr

    R. Thomas Wagner, Jr

    Robert Thomas Wagner Jr. served as Delaware's state auditor from 1989 to 2019. A Republican, he lost to incumbent Democratic Auditor Dennis Greenhouse in 1986, but was appointed to the position in 1989 after Greenhouse resigned after being elected New Castle County County Executive. He was elected to full terms in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. Prior to becoming auditor, Wagner was mayor of Camden, Delaware.

  5. Hugh T. Broomall

    Hugh T. Broomall
    Born in
    United States Flag United States
    1948-.. (age 77)
    military officer

    Major General Hugh T. Broomall is a retired senior officer of the United States Air Force and Delaware Air National Guard who served as the Special Assistant to the Director, Air National Guard. He was responsible for strategy development, state and federal liaison, inter-agency coordination and special studies supporting the one hundred and six thousand Air National Guard members nationwide.

  6. Ruth Briggs King

    Ruth Briggs King
    Born in
    United States Flag United States
    1956-.. (age 69)

    Ruth Briggs King is an American politician. A Republican, she served as a member of the Delaware House of Representatives, representing district 37, from 2009 to 2023. In 2024, she ran for lieutenant governor but lost to Democratic nominee Kyle Evans Gay in the general election.

  7. David D. Rudolph

    David D. Rudolph
    Born in
    United States Flag United States
    1949-.. (age 76)

    David D. Rudolph is an American politician from Maryland and a member of the Democratic Party. He was a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, representing Maryland's District 35B from 1995 to 2002 and District 34B from 2003 to 2015.

  8. Jerjer Q. Gibson

    Jerjer Q. Gibson
    Born in
    Liberia Flag Liberia
    1991-.. (age 34)
    association football player

    Jerjer Q. Gibson, or simply Jerjer, is a Liberian professional footballer.

General info

Alternative names WilmU
Founded 1968
Motto WilmU works!
Colors green, white
Academic calendar September to July (September - May; May-July)
Total FTE staff 950
Carnegie classification Doctoral Universities: Moderate Research Activity

Location and contacts

Address 320 Dupont Hwy
New Castle, Delaware, 19720
United States
City population 6,000
Phone 8779675464

Wilmington University in social media