Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Rankings

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EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#6340 of 14,131 In the World
#1471 of 2,785 In Europe
#61 of 169 In Ukraine
#1 of 3 In Zhytomyr

Quick Review

Acceptance rate

* Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University is among the institutions that don't provide data on acceptance rates. This might happen because the university has programs where applicants only need to meet admission requirements to enroll and don't necessarily compete with others.

We estimate the above acceptance rate based on admission statistics of closely ranked nearby universities with similar research profiles that do publish such data.

Acceptance rate & Admissions

Admissions RequirementsSecondary school certificate (Atestat zrelosti)

Programs and Degrees

Dyplom Bakalavra Applied Linguistics, Archaeology, Art Education, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Dance, Design, Ecology, English, Geology, German, Germanic Languages, History, Hotel and Restaurant, Journalism, Law, Literature, Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Music, Native Language Education, Philology, Physical Education, Physics, Polish, Political Sciences, Preschool Education, Primary Education, Psychology, Russian, Secondary Education, Slavic Languages, Social Work, Sociology, Special Education, Sports, Statistics, Theatre, Translation and Interpretation
Dyplom Magistra Archaeology, Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Ecology, Economics, Educational Administration, Educational Sciences, English, German, Germanic Languages, History, Journalism, Literature, Management, Mathematics, Music, Native Language Education, Philology, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Preschool Education, Primary Education, Psychology, Russian, Secondary Education, Social Studies, Sports, Staff Development, Teacher Training, Translation and Interpretation
Dyplom Doktora Filosofii Archaeology, Biology, Educational Sciences, History, Literature, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Philology, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Secondary Education, Teacher Training, Vocational Education
Dyplom Doktora Nauk Educational Sciences, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Teacher Training, Vocational Education

Notable alumni

  1. Marina Poplavska

    Marina Poplavska
    Born in
    Ukraine Flag Ukraine
    1970-2018 (aged 48)
    pedagogueteacherKVN actormanufacturercomedian

    Marina Frantsivna Poplavska was a Ukrainian actress, producer, comedian, teacher.

  2. Natalia Moseichuk

    Natalia Moseichuk
    1973-.. (age 52)
    Enrolled in Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
    Studied in 1995
    journalisttelevision presenternews presenter

    Nataliia Mykolaivna Moseichuk is a Ukrainian journalist, host of the 1+1 talk show Right to Power, and curator of the social projects Right to Education, School of Superheroes, and the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine.

  3. Iryna Shynkaruk

    Iryna Shynkaruk
    Born in
    Ukraine Flag Ukraine
    1979-.. (age 46)
    directortelevision presentersinger

    Iryna Shynkaruk is a Ukrainian singer.

  4. Olexander Chyrkov

    Olexander Chyrkov
    Born in
    Russia Flag Russia
    1941-.. (age 84)

    Olexander Chyrkov, the head of the department of Germanic Philology and Foreign Literature, the head of Scientific and Artistic Complex "Dramaturgy" of the Institute of Foreign Languages Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, member of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Doctor of Philology, Professor.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University faculties and divisions

Faculty : History Archaeology, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Religious Studies, Secondary Education
Faculty : Natural Sciences Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Geography, Secondary Education
Faculty : Physical Education and Sports Physical Education, Secondary Education, Sports
Faculty : Physics and Mathematics Astrophysics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Secondary Education, Statistics
Faculty : Social Psychology Economics, Hotel and Restaurant, Management, Marketing, Psychology, Social Studies, Special Education
Institute : Foreign Philology Applied Linguistics, English, Foreign Languages Education, German, Literature, Philology, Secondary Education, Translation and Interpretation
Institute : Pedagogy Art Education, Dance, Design, Educational Administration, Music, Pedagogy, Preschool Education, Primary Education, Staff Development, Teacher Training, Theatre
Institute : Philology and Journalism Journalism, Literature, Native Language, Native Language Education, Philology, Polish, Russian, Secondary Education, Slavic Languages, Translation and Interpretation

General information

Alternative names ZU
Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка
Founded 1919
Accreditation Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MON)

Location and contacts

Address vul. Velyka Berdychivska, 40
Zhytomyr, Zhytomyr Region, 10008
City population 262,000

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University in social media