List of 2 best universities in Enschede
Top 2 universities in Enschede ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 1.63M citations received by 65.5K academic publications made by 2 universities from Enschede, the popularity of 27 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Enschede
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
50 | Iselinge University of Professional Teacher Education | 56 | Doetinchem |
56 | Academy of Fine Arts Munster | 278 | Munster |
57 | University of Munster | 14 | Munster |
57 | Munster University of Applied Sciences | 93 | Munster |
59 | University of Philosophy and Theology in Munster | 350 | Munster |
62 | University of Professional Teacher Education PABO Zwolle | 53 | Zwolle |
63 | Windesheim University of Applied Sciences | 23 | Zwolle |
63 | Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences | 49 | Apeldoorn |
63 | Viaa University of Applied Sciences | 52 | Zwolle |
68 | Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences | 33 | Velp |