List of 8 best universities in Hohhot
Top 8 universities in Hohhot ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 288K citations received by 41.8K academic publications made by 8 universities from Hohhot, the popularity of 4 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Hohhot
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
126 | Jining Normal University | 895 | Jining |
151 | Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology | 320 | Baotou |
164 | Shanxi Datong University | 380 | Datong |
180 | Ordos Institute of Technology | 935 | Ordos |
271 | Hebei University of Architecture | 563 | Zhangjiakou |
271 | Zhangjiakou University | 864 | Zhangjiakou |
272 | Hebei North University | 411 | Zhangjiakou |
282 | Xinzhou Teachers University | 556 | Xinzhou |
319 | North University of China | 161 | Taiyuan |
327 | Shanxi University of Finance and Economics | 332 | Taiyuan |