List of 2 best universities in Thies
Top 2 universities in Thies ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 2.62K citations received by 695 academic publications made by 2 universities from Thies, the popularity of recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Thies
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
48 | Alioune Diop University of Bambey | 6 | Bambey |
58 | Graduate School of Business of Dakar | 7 | Dakar |
58 | University of Sine-Saloum El Hadji Ibrahima Niasse | 8 | Dakar |
58 | Amadou Mahtar Mbow University | 9 | Dakar |
58 | University of the Atlantic, Senegal | 10 | Dakar |
58 | Higher School of Electricity, Building and Public Works | 11 | Dakar |
58 | MIT University Dakar | 12 | Dakar |
58 | Central School of Free Software and Telecommunications | 14 | Dakar |
58 | University Institute of Enterprise and Development | 15 | Dakar |
58 | Ensup Afrique | 16 | Dakar |