Best university in Touba
We ranked Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba University based on its reputation, research performance, and alumni impact. The rankings are determined by analyzing citations received by academic publications made by the university from Touba, the popularity of recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Touba
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
67 | Alioune Diop University of Bambey | 6 | Bambey |
107 | University of Thies | 3 | Thies |
117 | Thies Polytechnic School | 4 | Thies |
145 | University Gaston Berger | 2 | Saint-Louis |
146 | Kocc Barma University of Saint Louis | 19 | Saint-Louis |
170 | Graduate School of Business of Dakar | 7 | Dakar |
170 | University of Sine-Saloum El Hadji Ibrahima Niasse | 8 | Dakar |
170 | Amadou Mahtar Mbow University | 9 | Dakar |
170 | University of the Atlantic, Senegal | 10 | Dakar |
170 | Higher School of Electricity, Building and Public Works | 11 | Dakar |