McNeese State University ranked 873rd in the United States, 3339th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in 70 research topics. McNeese State University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 1,348 academic publications and 16,995 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 36 notable alumni.
McNeese State University ranked 617th for Environmental Science in the United States and 3380th in the World with 749 publications made and 10,214 citations received. Main research topics: Ecology, Geology, Geography and Cartography, Paleontology, Environmental Chemistry.
McNeese State University ranked 863rd for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 3966th in the World with 732 publications made and 7,252 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Law, Sociology, Philosophy, History.
McNeese State University ranked 732nd for Biology in the United States and 3908th in the World with 633 publications made and 9,481 citations received. Main research topics: Paleontology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Botany, Zoology.
McNeese State University ranked 673rd for Engineering in the United States and 3947th in the World with 598 publications made and 7,817 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Networking, Optical Engineering.
McNeese State University ranked 640th for Chemistry in the United States and 3761st in the World with 520 publications made and 8,776 citations received. Main research topics: Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Engineering.
McNeese State University ranked 706th for Physics in the United States and 3918th in the World with 513 publications made and 7,212 citations received. Main research topics: Quantum and Particle physics, Materials Science, Optical Engineering, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Nuclear Physics.
McNeese State University ranked 789th for Computer Science in the United States and 3959th in the World with 467 publications made and 6,988 citations received. Main research topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Computer Networking, Neuroscience, Telecommunications.
McNeese State University ranked 846th for Medicine in the United States and 3993rd in the World with 417 publications made and 6,206 citations received. Main research topics: Public Health, Pathology, Psychiatry, Health Science.
McNeese State University ranked 881st for Psychology in the United States and 3690th in the World with 314 publications made and 4,251 citations received. Main research topics: Social Psychology, Child Psychology, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Education Majors.
McNeese State University ranked 668th for Mathematics in the United States and 3423rd in the World with 307 publications made and 4,651 citations received. Main research topics: Statistics, Math Teachers, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.
McNeese State University ranked 758th for Business in the United States and 3667th in the World with 303 publications made and 3,981 citations received. Main research topics: Management, Finance, Marketing.
McNeese State University ranked 807th for Economics in the United States and 3612th in the World with 237 publications made and 2,225 citations received. Main research topics: Development Studies, Finance, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.