Nagaoka Institute of Design: Rankings



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Nagaoka Institute of Design ranked 477th in Japan, 6726th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in 10 research topics. Nagaoka Institute of Design ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 174 academic publications and 264 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of notable alumni.

Ranking Category
#6726 of 14,131 In the World
#2574 of 5,830 In Asia
#477 of 719 In Japan
#3 of 3 In Nagaoka
#822 of 1,196 For Photography
#5492 of 5,720 For Art & Design
#5641 of 6,270 For History
#5018 of 14,131 For Non-academic Prominence

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Acceptance rate and other statistics

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences rankings

Nagaoka Institute of Design ranked 472nd for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in Japan and 6816th in the World with 116 publications made and 73 citations received. Main research topics: History, Archaeology.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ranking Location
#472 of 527 In Japan
#2722 of 2,845 In Asia
#6816 of 7,020 In the World

Nagaoka Institute of Design
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Publications & Citations

Year Liberal Arts & Social Sciences publications Liberal Arts & Social Sciences citations
1996 0 1
1997 3 1
1998 1 0
1999 0 3
2000 3 1
2001 1 0
2002 2 6
2003 0 0
2004 3 1
2005 2 0
2006 1 2
2007 5 2
2008 2 2
2009 0 3
2010 0 7
2011 0 2
2012 3 8
2013 0 2
2014 2 7
2015 4 1
2016 10 4
2017 10 7
2018 12 5
2019 11 10
2020 11 15
2021 7 16
2022 10 11
2023 12 8

The following table provides academic rankings for Nagaoka Institute of Design in various areas of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfield Japan ranking Asia ranking World rank
History 295 2259 5641
Archaeology 318 2386 5831

Environmental Science rankings

Nagaoka Institute of Design ranked 452nd for Environmental Science in Japan and 6603rd in the World with 106 publications made and 99 citations received. Main research topic: Geography and Cartography.

Environmental Science ranking Location
#452 of 510 In Japan
#2706 of 2,811 In Asia
#6603 of 6,798 In the World

Nagaoka Institute of Design
Environmental Science Publications & Citations

Year Environmental Science publications Environmental Science citations
1994 2 1
1995 0 0
1996 0 0
1997 4 0
1998 2 0
1999 3 4
2000 3 3
2001 1 1
2002 2 4
2003 0 0
2004 5 3
2005 2 5
2006 2 3
2007 4 4
2008 2 5
2009 0 8
2010 0 6
2011 0 2
2012 2 9
2013 1 4
2014 2 7
2015 2 6
2016 6 3
2017 9 8
2018 8 7
2019 7 7
2020 12 20
2021 7 18
2022 8 11
2023 10 8

The following table provides academic rankings for Nagaoka Institute of Design in various areas of Environmental Science.

Environmental Science subfield Japan ranking Asia ranking World rank
Geography and Cartography 357 2481 6049

Art & Design rankings

Nagaoka Institute of Design ranked 305th for Art & Design in Japan and 5492nd in the World with 69 publications made and 33 citations received. Main research topic: Photography.

Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.

Art & Design ranking Location
#305 of 328 In Japan
#2178 of 2,302 In Asia
#5492 of 5,720 In the World

Nagaoka Institute of Design
Art & Design Publications & Citations

Year Art & Design publications Art & Design citations
1999 1 3
2000 3 1
2001 0 0
2002 1 0
2003 0 0
2004 1 1
2005 0 1
2006 0 1
2007 2 1
2008 0 2
2009 1 0
2010 0 1
2011 0 0
2012 0 2
2013 0 0
2014 0 0
2015 1 1
2016 6 1
2017 8 2
2018 5 1
2019 7 6
2020 9 12
2021 6 12
2022 6 7
2023 8 2

The following table provides academic rankings for Nagaoka Institute of Design in various areas of Art & Design.

Art & Design subfield Japan ranking Asia ranking World rank
Photography 39 166 822

Other rankings

Non-core subjects for Nagaoka Institute of Design

Speciality Japan Asia World Rank
Engineering 453 2685 6373
Chemistry 493 2729 6401
Physics 473 2708 6443