Ohio Northern University ranked 638th in the United States, 2480th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 10 research topics. Ohio Northern University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 2,068 academic publications and 21,416 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 64 notable alumni.
Ohio Northern University ranked 737th for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 3382nd in the World with 1,240 publications made and 9,688 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Law, Sociology, Philosophy, History.
Ohio Northern University ranked 638th for Biology in the United States and 3487th in the World with 946 publications made and 12,772 citations received. Main research topics: Biochemistry, Genetics, Pharmacology, Paleontology, Neuroscience.
Ohio Northern University ranked 658th for Computer Science in the United States and 3377th in the World with 891 publications made and 11,441 citations received. Main research topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neuroscience, Library and Information science, Cyber Security, Machine Learning.
Ohio Northern University ranked 654th for Medicine in the United States and 3117th in the World with 849 publications made and 10,822 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Nursing, Pathology, Health Science.
Ohio Northern University ranked 547th for Chemistry in the United States and 3366th in the World with 849 publications made and 11,772 citations received. Main research topics: Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, Pharmacy, Physical chemistry.
Ohio Northern University ranked 591st for Engineering in the United States and 3601st in the World with 803 publications made and 10,621 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Optical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering.
Ohio Northern University ranked 599th for Physics in the United States and 3521st in the World with 709 publications made and 9,930 citations received. Main research topics: Quantum and Particle physics, Materials Science, Optical Engineering, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Acoustical Engineering.
Ohio Northern University ranked 751st for Environmental Science in the United States and 4072nd in the World with 679 publications made and 6,022 citations received. Main research topics: Geography and Cartography, Geology, Ecology, Paleontology, Oceanography.
Ohio Northern University ranked 724th for Psychology in the United States and 2993rd in the World with 647 publications made and 7,646 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Education Majors, Social Psychology, Child Psychology.
Ohio Northern University ranked 745th for Business in the United States and 3593rd in the World with 464 publications made and 3,069 citations received. Main research topics: Management, Finance, Marketing, Engineering Management.
Ohio Northern University ranked 722nd for Mathematics in the United States and 3655th in the World with 411 publications made and 4,316 citations received. Main research topics: Statistics, Math Teachers.
Ohio Northern University ranked 749th for Economics in the United States and 3387th in the World with 383 publications made and 2,751 citations received. Main research topics: Development Studies, Finance.
Ohio Northern University ranked 765th for Art & Design in the United States and 3171st in the World with 237 publications made and 1,280 citations received. Main research topics: Literature, Fashion Design.
Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.