Otoch Manramba University Rankings

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EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#13426 of 14,131 In the World
#5542 of 5,830 In Asia
#31 of 65 In Mongolia
#27 of 58 In Ulaanbaatar

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Acceptance rate

* Otoch Manramba University is among the institutions that don't provide data on acceptance rates. This might happen because the university has programs where applicants only need to meet admission requirements to enroll and don't necessarily compete with others.

We estimate the above acceptance rate based on admission statistics of closely ranked nearby universities with similar research profiles that do publish such data.

Programs and Degrees

Bachelor's Degree Nursing, Traditional Eastern Medicine
Master's Degree Traditional Eastern Medicine

Otoch Manramba University faculties and divisions

Course/Programme : General Physician of Traditional Medicine Traditional Eastern Medicine
Course/Programme : Nurse in Traditional Medicine Nursing, Traditional Eastern Medicine

General information

Alternative names Оточ манрамба их сургууль
Accreditation Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation (MNCEA)

Location and contacts

Address B.Dorj street, Co-op camp town MUSTS Moja Datsan Bayanzurkh district, 2nd khoroo
Ulaanbaatar, 13361
City population 1,396,000

Otoch Manramba University in social media