Roosevelt University ranked 508th in the United States, 2032nd in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 43 research topics. Roosevelt University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 2,892 academic publications and 58,240 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 41 notable alumni.
Roosevelt University ranked 543rd for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 2438th in the World with 2,025 publications made and 28,690 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Law, Sociology, Philosophy, History.
Roosevelt University ranked 545th for Medicine in the United States and 2619th in the World with 1,264 publications made and 27,630 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Pathology, Public Health, Clinical Psychology, Nursing.
Roosevelt University ranked 523rd for Biology in the United States and 2991st in the World with 1,227 publications made and 39,743 citations received. Main research topics: Biochemistry, Genetics, Paleontology, Neuroscience, Botany.
Roosevelt University ranked 597th for Computer Science in the United States and 3109th in the World with 1,076 publications made and 19,141 citations received. Main research topics: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Library and Information science, Cognitive Science.
Roosevelt University ranked 525th for Psychology in the United States and 2085th in the World with 1,064 publications made and 20,511 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Social Psychology, Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Education Majors.
Roosevelt University ranked 590th for Environmental Science in the United States and 3273rd in the World with 969 publications made and 20,481 citations received. Main research topics: Geography and Cartography, Geology, Ecology, Paleontology, Agricultural Science.
Roosevelt University ranked 667th for Engineering in the United States and 3926th in the World with 747 publications made and 13,756 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Optical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering.
Roosevelt University ranked 494th for Business in the United States and 2236th in the World with 717 publications made and 12,370 citations received. Main research topics: Management, Finance, Marketing, Advertising, Public Policy / Administration.
Roosevelt University ranked 500th for Chemistry in the United States and 3184th in the World with 712 publications made and 29,301 citations received. Main research topics: Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, Pharmacy, Inorganic Chemistry.
Roosevelt University ranked 603rd for Physics in the United States and 3530th in the World with 708 publications made and 13,058 citations received. Main research topics: Quantum and Particle physics, Materials Science, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Optical Engineering, Nuclear Physics.
Roosevelt University ranked 476th for Economics in the United States and 1963rd in the World with 648 publications made and 9,902 citations received. Main research topics: Development Studies, Finance, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, Political Economy.
Roosevelt University ranked 561st for Mathematics in the United States and 2897th in the World with 641 publications made and 11,346 citations received. Main research topics: Statistics, Math Teachers, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.
Roosevelt University ranked 536th for Art & Design in the United States and 2117th in the World with 414 publications made and 4,279 citations received. Main research topics: Literature, Fashion Design, Art History, Aesthetics, Music.
Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.