List of 6 best universities in Bucaramanga
Top 6 universities in Bucaramanga ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 89.1K citations received by 14.1K academic publications made by 6 universities from Bucaramanga, the popularity of 6 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Bucaramanga
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
59 | University of Pamplona | 32 | Pamplona |
63 | University Foundation of San Gil | 140 | San Gil |
81 | University Institute of La Paz | 141 | Barrancabermeja |
106 | Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University | 8 | Rubio |
111 | University Francisco de Paula Santander | 69 | Cucuta |
121 | National Experimental University of Tachira | 12 | San Cristobal |
123 | Catholic University of Tachira | 23 | San Cristobal |
176 | Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia | 18 | Tunja |
178 | University of Boyaca | 86 | Tunja |
179 | Juan de Castellanos University Foundation | 139 | Tunja |