List of 3 best universities in Guanajuato
Top 3 universities in Guanajuato ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 137K citations received by 17K academic publications made by 3 universities from Guanajuato, the popularity of 6 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Guanajuato
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
28 | Technological University of North Guanajuato | 338 | Dolores Hidalgo |
39 | Quetzalcoatl University | 336 | Irapuato |
39 | Private University of Irapuato | 410 | Irapuato |
40 | Leon Institute of Technology | 92 | Leon |
45 | La Salle University of Bajio | 100 | Leon |
45 | University of Leon, Mexico | 173 | Leon |
45 | Technological University of Leon | 181 | Leon |
50 | Technological University of Salamanca | 418 | Salamanca |
50 | Juventino Rosas Polytechnic University | 422 | Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas |
54 | Technological University of San Miguel de Allende | 359 | San Miguel de Allende |