Best university in Ocotlan
We ranked Ocotlan Institute of Technology based on its reputation, research performance, and alumni impact. The rankings are determined by analyzing citations received by academic publications made by the university from Ocotlan, the popularity of recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Ocotlan
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
33 | University of the Wetland of the State of Michoacan de Ocampo | 259 | Sahuayo |
41 | Jiquilpan Institute of Technology | 380 | Jiquilpan |
70 | Technological University of Jalisco | 171 | Guadalajara |
70 | Marista University of Guadalajara | 217 | Guadalajara |
71 | University of Guadalajara | 5 | Guadalajara |
72 | Polytechnic University of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area | 97 | Tlajomulco de Zuniga |
72 | Tlajomulco Jalisco Institute of Technology | 351 | Tlajomulco de Zuniga |
73 | Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education | 28 | Tlaquepaque |
76 | Valle de Atemajac University | 55 | Zapopan |
77 | Autonomous University of Guadalajara | 45 | Zapopan |