List of 3 best universities in Xalapa
Top 3 universities in Xalapa ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 84K citations received by 15.1K academic publications made by 3 universities from Xalapa, the popularity of 14 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Xalapa
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
42 | Interserrana University of the State of Puebla - Chilchotla | 481 | Chilchotla |
43 | Polytechnic University of Huatusco | 334 | Huatusco |
56 | Ursulo Galvan Institute of Technology | 402 | Ursulo Galvan |
71 | Paccioli de Cordoba University | 528 | Cordoba |
76 | Technological University of the East | 516 | Oriental |
78 | UGMEX | 330 | Orizaba |
78 | Technological Institute of Orizaba | 337 | Orizaba |
78 | University of the North Gulf of Mexico | 342 | Orizaba |
78 | Valle de Orizaba University | 434 | Orizaba |
82 | Technological University of the Veracruz Center | 328 | Cuitlahuac |