Andean University of Cusco Rankings

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Ranking Category
#9221 of 14,131 In the World
#671 of 1,756 In Latin America
#54 of 136 In Peru
#2 of 5 In Cusco

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Highest Degree
Acceptance rate

* The Andean University of Cusco is among the institutions that don't provide data on acceptance rates. This might happen because the university has programs where applicants only need to meet admission requirements to enroll and don't necessarily compete with others.

We estimate the above acceptance rate based on admission statistics of closely ranked nearby universities with similar research profiles that do publish such data.

Programs and Degrees

Bachiller Accountancy, Administration, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Finance, Industrial Engineering, International Business, Law, Marketing, Medical Technology, Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Paediatrics, Political Sciences, Psychology, Stomatology, Systems Analysis, Tourism
Maestría Accountancy, Business Administration, Civil Engineering, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Community Health, Computer Engineering, Constitutional Law, Dentistry, Environmental Studies, Higher Education, Hydraulic Engineering, Labour Law, Law, Notary Studies, Nursing, Software Engineering, Transport Engineering
Doctorado Administration, Education, Environmental Studies, Health Sciences, Law, Psychology

Notable alumni

  1. Alejandro Soto Reyes

    Alejandro Soto Reyes
    Born in
    Peru Flag Peru
    1960-.. (age 64)

    Alejandro Soto Reyes is a Peruvian lawyer and politician. He was elected Congressman of the Republic of Peru for the period 2021–2026. Before entering politics, he worked at a local television station.

Andean University of Cusco faculties and divisions

Faculty : Administration, Economics and Accountancy Accountancy, Administration, Economics, Finance, International Business, Marketing
Faculty : Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Systems Analysis
Faculty : Health Sciences Medical Technology, Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Paediatrics, Psychology, Stomatology
Faculty : Law and Political Science Law, Political Sciences
Faculty : Social Sciences and Education Education, Tourism

General information

Alternative names UAC
Universidad Andina del Cusco
Founded 1984
Accreditation Superintendencia Nacional de Educación Superior Universitaria (SUNEDU)

Location and contacts

Address Urb. Ingeniería Larapa Grande A-7 San Jerónimo
City population 428,000

Andean University of Cusco in social media