Bernardo O'Higgins University Rankings

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Ranking Category
#9243 of 14,131 In the World
#675 of 1,756 In Latin America
#45 of 60 In Chile
#21 of 31 In Santiago

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Acceptance rate & Admissions

Acceptance Rate60%
Admissions RequirementsPSU average score in Language and Mathematics or score according to weight provided by Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins. Besides the PSU results, applicants must present the following documents: Academic transcript; High school diploma; Identity card.

We've calculated the 60% acceptance rate for Bernardo O'Higgins University based on the ratio of admissions to applications and other circumstantial enrollment data. Treat this information as a rough guide and not as a definitive measure of your chances of admission. Different programs may have significantly varying admissions rates.


The tuition table for Bernardo O'Higgins University gives an overview of costs but prices are approximate and subject to change and don't include accommodation, textbooks, or living expenses. The costs of programs might differ significantly for local and international students. The only source of truth for current numbers is the university's official website.

Program Tuition per semester (CLP)
Law 3,500,000
Business Administration 3,000,000
Industrial Engineering 3,200,000
Psychology 2,800,000
Architecture 3,500,000
Journalism 2,500,000
Medicine 4,000,000

Programs and Degrees

Licenciatura Accountancy, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Education, Engineering, Engineering Management, Environmental Engineering, Health Sciences, Journalism, Law, Management, Mathematics, Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physics, Psychology, Public Relations, Social Work, Speech Therapy and Audiology, Veterinary Science
Magister Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Education, Educational Psychology, Gender Studies, Law, Management, Marketing, Public Health, Social Work

Bernardo O'Higgins University faculties and divisions

Faculty : Engineering, Science and Technology Business Administration, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Safety Engineering, Surveying and Mapping
Faculty : Faculty of Health, Sport and Recreation Dietetics, Medical Technology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and Audiology
Faculty : Human Sciences and Education English, Geography, History, Pedagogy, Physical Education, Preschool Education, Primary Education, Psychology, Secondary Education, Sports
Faculty : Law and Social Communication Journalism, Law, Public Relations

General information

Alternative names UBO
Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins
Founded 1990
Accreditation National Accreditation Commission (CNA)

Location and contacts

Address Avenida Viel 1497
Santiago, Santiago, 8370993
City population 6,258,000

Bernardo O'Higgins University in social media