Herzing University - Madison Rankings

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EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#6058 of 14,131 In the World
#1695 of 2,597 In North America
#1609 of 2,496 In the United States
#32 of 47 In Wisconsin
#4 of 5 In Madison

Quick Review

Acceptance rate
Avg. cost to attend
$20,679 /y
Aid receiving
Male:Female Ratio
Highest Degree
Doctor's degree

Herzing University - Madison Acceptance rate and admissions statistics

Herzing University - Madison has an acceptance rate of 94% and is among the 32% of the easiest universities to gain admission to in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

Total Men Women
Acceptance Rate 94% 95% 94%
Applicants 513 66 447
Admissions 483 63 420
Freshmen enrolled full time 148 27 121
Freshmen enrolled part time 182 16 166

342 students enrolled in some distance education courses.

3,885 enrolled exclusively in distance education.

Admissions requirements

Other Tests Required
Secondary school GPA Required
Secondary school record Required
TOEFL Required
College-preparatory program Neither required nor recommended
Formal demonstration of competencies Neither required nor recommended
Recommendations Neither required nor recommended
SAT/ACT Neither required nor recommended
Secondary school rank Neither required nor recommended

Enrollment demographics by race or ethnicity

White 1667 (40%)
Black or African American 1475 (35%)
Hispanic 510 (12%)
Race or Ethnicity unknown 218 (5%)
Asian 204 (5%)
Two or more races 120 (3%)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 15 (0.4%)
American Indian or Alaska Native 4 (0.1%)

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

The average net cost to attend Herzing University - Madison is $20,679 per year, calculated as the sum of the average cost of tuition, room and board, books, and supplies, reduced by the amount of average financial aid received.

The final cost of attendance varies for each student based on household income, residency, program, and other factors.

Net average cost to attend
Average aid awarded
Students receiving aid

Average costs by household income

<$30K $20,485
$30-48K $20,218
$48-75K $19,290
$75-110K $20,077
$110K+ $24,755

Tuition and fees

Tuition in-district $12,360$8,100
Tuition in-state $12,360$8,100
Tuition out-of-state $12,360$8,100
Fee in-district $1,060$1,060
Fee in-state $1,060$1,060
Fee out-of-state $1,060$1,060

Herzing University - Madison majors

Herzing University - Madison has granted 228 bachelor's degrees across 13 programs and 426 master's across 7 programs. Below is a table with majors that lead to degrees at Herzing University - Madison.

Major Associate Bachelor Master
Family Practice Nurse & Nursing 223
Registered Nursing & Registered Nurse 135
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nurse & Nursing 123
Medical Insurance Coding Specialist & Coder 40
Business Administration and Management, General 11 22
Medical & Clinical Assistant 30
Legal Assistant & Paralegal 20 8
Customer Service Support & Call Center & Teleservice Operation 26
Nursing Administration 25
Health & Health Care Administration & Management 17 7
Nursing Education 22
Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other 21
Health Information & Medical Records Administration & Administrator 4 6
Health and Wellness, General 10
Medical Office Management & Administration 10
Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications 8
Criminal Justice & Safety Studies 4 4
Network and System Administration & Administrator 8
Accounting 4 2
Homeland Security, Other 6
Multi- & Interdisciplinary Studies, General 6
Computer Programming & Programmer, General 2 3
Geriatric Nurse & Nursing 5
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other 5
Project Management 1
Grand Total 164 228 426

Herzing University - Madison has a graduation rate of 28%, which is among the 11% lowest for universities in the US.

Total Men Women
Graduation rate 28% 36% 26%
  • Full-time retention rate - 48%
  • Part-time retention rate - 55%

Publications & Citations

Herzing University - Madison has published 89 scientific papers with 1,179 citations received. The research profile covers a range of fields, including Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Political Science, Medicine, Law, Philosophy, Sociology, Business, Psychology, Computer Science, and Biology.


Publication / Citation count by topic

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
64 / 590
Political Science
47 / 285
45 / 889
44 / 275
34 / 209
32 / 260
31 / 230
31 / 414
Computer Science
28 / 455
26 / 371
21 / 86
21 / 90
16 / 79
15 / 354
Development Studies
14 / 46
14 / 154
14 / 54
13 / 193
13 / 137
Environmental Science
13 / 83
Theology / Divinity / Religious studies
12 / 27
Communications and Public Relations
12 / 51
12 / 213
11 / 96
11 / 573
Quantum and Particle physics
10 / 289
Social Psychology
10 / 88
10 / 155
10 / 122
10 / 41
Cyber Security
10 / 71
9 / 79
Healthcare Management (MHA)
9 / 23
Family medicine
9 / 19
9 / 218
8 / 41
Radiology and Nuclear medicine
8 / 261
7 / 46
Geography and Cartography
7 / 41
Journalism and Digital Media
7 / 118

Annual publication & citation counts

Year Publications Citations
1992 0 21
1993 0 18
1994 0 13
1995 0 19
1996 0 5
1997 0 8
1998 0 9
1999 0 9
2000 0 7
2001 0 3
2002 0 8
2003 0 6
2004 0 5
2005 0 3
2006 2 14
2007 0 4
2008 0 7
2009 1 7
2010 2 12
2011 2 11
2012 1 9
2013 0 13
2014 0 13
2015 1 11
2016 2 10
2017 33 22
2018 4 40
2019 15 65
2020 2 75
2021 3 99
2022 2 110
2023 1 108
2024 6 114

General info

Founded 1965
Motto Possible at Herzing
Academic calendar September to May (September - December; January-May)
Total FTE staff 594
Carnegie classification Master's Colleges & Universities: Medium Programs

Location and contacts

Address 5218 E. Terrace Dr.
Madison, Wisconsin, 53718
United States
City population 270,000
Phone 8005821227

Herzing University - Madison in social media