Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope: Rankings



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The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope ranked 698th in the United States, 2693rd in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 19 research topics. The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 2,934 academic publications and 167,908 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of notable alumni.

Ranking Category
#2693 of 14,131 In the World
#760 of 2,597 In North America
#698 of 2,496 In the United States
#61 of 249 In California
#107 of 2,496 For Molecular Biology
#251 of 3,216 For Oncology and Cancer research
#307 of 3,258 For Bioinformatics and Computational biology
#798 of 14,131 For Non-academic Prominence
Top50% For 16 other topics

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Acceptance rate and other statistics

Biology rankings

The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope ranked 198th for Biology in the United States and 820th in the World with 2,217 publications made and 141,845 citations received. Main research topics: Oncology and Cancer research, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Immunology.

Biology ranking Location
#198 of 1,582 In the United States
#223 of 1,668 In North America
#820 of 6,770 In the World

Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope
Biology Publications & Citations

Year Biology publications Biology citations
1991 33 265
1992 15 401
1993 22 437
1994 17 463
1995 21 518
1996 32 597
1997 26 652
1998 48 891
1999 29 1048
2000 29 1168
2001 41 1334
2002 46 1634
2003 32 1790
2004 39 2074
2005 35 2336
2006 43 2542
2007 41 2880
2008 71 3304
2009 68 3991
2010 81 4465
2011 98 5066
2012 107 5698
2013 112 6091
2014 101 6774
2015 104 7362
2016 102 8108
2017 113 8636
2018 113 9164
2019 134 9657
2020 172 10353
2021 163 10480

The following table provides academic rankings for The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope in various areas of Biology.

Biology subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Molecular Biology 59 63 107
Oncology and Cancer research 87 98 251
Bioinformatics and Computational biology 116 130 307
Biophysics 137 154 389
Virology 156 176 568
Immunology 159 176 649
Neuroscience 249 278 882
Pharmacology 213 235 958
Genetics 231 256 1040
Biochemistry 255 284 1321

Medicine rankings

The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope ranked 252nd for Medicine in the United States and 1034th in the World with 1,341 publications made and 66,496 citations received. Main research topics: Oncology and Cancer research, Immunology, Virology, Pathology, Pharmacology.

Medicine ranking Location
#252 of 1,558 In the United States
#280 of 1,643 In North America
#1034 of 6,680 In the World

Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope
Medicine Publications & Citations

Year Medicine publications Medicine citations
1991 5 53
1992 1 53
1993 3 55
1994 3 55
1995 1 57
1996 2 59
1997 4 60
1998 10 146
1999 3 160
2000 6 187
2001 8 195
2002 13 281
2003 12 323
2004 15 393
2005 13 437
2006 15 479
2007 22 617
2008 29 774
2009 47 1298
2010 42 1574
2011 61 1907
2012 76 2425
2013 82 2694
2014 67 3234
2015 68 3647
2016 68 4213
2017 100 4625
2018 94 5189
2019 120 5569
2020 162 6270
2021 167 6403

The following table provides academic rankings for The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope in various areas of Medicine.

Medicine subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Oncology and Cancer research 87 98 251
Radiation Therapy 131 144 545
Virology 156 176 568
Immunology 159 176 649
Pharmacology 213 235 958
Health Science 330 357 979
Pathology 398 439 2077

Chemistry rankings

The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope ranked 330th for Chemistry in the United States and 2054th in the World with 343 publications made and 24,162 citations received. Main research topic: Biochemistry.

Chemistry ranking Location
#330 of 1,407 In the United States
#371 of 1,488 In North America
#2054 of 6,447 In the World

Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope
Chemistry Publications & Citations

Year Chemistry publications Chemistry citations
1991 18 83
1992 9 199
1993 8 210
1994 7 228
1995 6 233
1996 12 269
1997 8 292
1998 12 303
1999 9 395
2000 9 461
2001 10 488
2002 7 508
2003 7 527
2004 5 609
2005 6 646
2006 11 712
2007 3 754
2008 8 776
2009 6 784
2010 9 805
2011 12 865
2012 14 924
2013 16 966
2014 10 1014
2015 13 1054
2016 16 1149
2017 10 1170
2018 9 1229
2019 8 1278
2020 3 1284

The following table provides academic rankings for The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope in various areas of Chemistry.

Chemistry subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Biochemistry 255 284 1321

Computer Science rankings

The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope ranked 338th for Computer Science in the United States and 1631st in the World with 286 publications made and 19,979 citations received. Main research topics: Bioinformatics and Computational biology, Neuroscience.

Computer Science ranking Location
#338 of 1,576 In the United States
#378 of 1,662 In North America
#1631 of 6,752 In the World

Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope
Computer Science Publications & Citations

Year Computer Science publications Computer Science citations
1991 5 97
1992 3 100
1993 2 104
1994 4 109
1995 5 112
1996 4 0
1997 1 115
1998 7 147
1999 3 169
2000 2 172
2001 4 235
2002 7 279
2003 3 315
2004 4 325
2005 2 326
2006 2 329
2007 8 456
2008 7 481
2009 7 587
2010 9 629
2011 18 694
2012 17 806
2013 18 846
2014 7 897
2015 15 1009
2016 14 1087
2017 15 1147
2018 16 1238
2019 17 1275
2020 17 1344
2021 22 1350

The following table provides academic rankings for The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope in various areas of Computer Science.

Computer Science subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Bioinformatics and Computational biology 116 130 307
Neuroscience 249 278 882

Other rankings

Non-core subjects for the Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope

Speciality United States North America World Rank
Demography 245 276 923
Psychology 490 537 1925
Physics 586 642 3452
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences 973 1045 4409
Engineering 867 934 4737