Marietta College: Rankings



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Marietta College ranked 725th in the United States, 2783rd in the global 2024 rating, and scored in 72 research topics. Marietta College ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 1,810 academic publications and 23,070 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 33 notable alumni.

Ranking Category
#2783 of 14,131 In the World
#791 of 2,597 In North America
#725 of 2,496 In the United States
#28 of 90 In Ohio
#1894 of 4,859 For Metallurgical Engineering
#1929 of 3,091 For Condensed Matter Physics
#2167 of 3,659 For Nuclear Physics
#2201 of 7,738 For Alumni Impact
#2943 of 14,131 For Non-academic Prominence

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Acceptance rate and other statistics

Engineering rankings

Marietta College ranked 458th for Engineering in the United States and 2867th in the World with 1,036 publications made and 16,969 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Metallurgical Engineering, Optical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.

Engineering ranking Location
#458 of 1,518 In the United States
#511 of 1,602 In North America
#2867 of 6,684 In the World

Marietta College
Engineering Publications & Citations

Year Engineering publications Engineering citations
1991 50 400
1992 29 494
1993 26 445
1994 28 426
1995 20 431
1996 6 465
1997 7 458
1998 5 410
1999 4 358
2000 9 374
2001 5 340
2002 30 462
2003 18 310
2004 11 325
2005 5 357
2006 2 326
2007 6 303
2008 13 294
2009 18 290
2010 6 356
2011 11 416
2012 5 372
2013 13 414
2014 10 415
2015 6 409
2016 10 391
2017 18 428
2018 18 480
2019 16 481
2020 18 512
2021 18 555
2022 8 532
2023 14 512

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Engineering.

Engineering subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Metallurgical Engineering 281 321 1894
Materials Science 317 359 2201
Nanotechnology 301 340 2206
Electronic Engineering 314 359 2239
Chemical Engineering 309 352 2418
Structural Engineering 393 442 2450
Electrical Engineering 360 409 2484
Optical Engineering 393 440 2521
Telecommunications 439 491 2764
Aerospace Engineering 479 532 2848
Acoustical Engineering 523 578 2881
Mechanical Engineering 490 541 2897
Computer Networking 619 680 3381

Physics rankings

Marietta College ranked 457th for Physics in the United States and 2773rd in the World with 1,019 publications made and 17,940 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Quantum and Particle physics, Optical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Astrophysics and Astronomy.

Physics ranking Location
#457 of 1,485 In the United States
#510 of 1,569 In North America
#2773 of 6,603 In the World

Marietta College
Physics Publications & Citations

Year Physics publications Physics citations
1991 48 422
1992 31 513
1993 26 460
1994 30 419
1995 20 443
1996 5 468
1997 5 470
1998 5 419
1999 3 364
2000 12 373
2001 14 349
2002 30 455
2003 19 321
2004 12 329
2005 6 367
2006 3 340
2007 8 302
2008 17 304
2009 15 293
2010 6 357
2011 10 421
2012 5 378
2013 11 425
2014 11 451
2015 4 412
2016 9 412
2017 8 432
2018 5 489
2019 19 480
2020 17 522
2021 11 560
2022 7 526
2023 17 515

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Physics.

Physics subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Condensed Matter Physics 282 324 1929
Nuclear Physics 377 423 2167
Materials Science 317 359 2201
Nanotechnology 301 340 2206
Optical Engineering 393 440 2521
Quantum and Particle physics 476 528 2871
Acoustical Engineering 523 578 2881
Astrophysics and Astronomy 590 646 2899

Chemistry rankings

Marietta College ranked 472nd for Chemistry in the United States and 2933rd in the World with 893 publications made and 17,231 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Organic Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering.

Chemistry ranking Location
#472 of 1,407 In the United States
#522 of 1,488 In North America
#2933 of 6,447 In the World

Marietta College
Chemistry Publications & Citations

Year Chemistry publications Chemistry citations
1991 47 438
1992 27 520
1993 20 469
1994 27 431
1995 15 451
1996 5 451
1997 3 465
1998 4 422
1999 4 364
2000 8 372
2001 4 348
2002 22 424
2003 15 314
2004 7 326
2005 7 357
2006 0 332
2007 9 300
2008 11 285
2009 12 278
2010 8 301
2011 11 374
2012 5 357
2013 6 401
2014 7 405
2015 5 381
2016 12 403
2017 5 413
2018 5 468
2019 8 452
2020 14 511
2021 13 550
2022 5 503
2023 14 489

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Chemistry.

Chemistry subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Materials Science 317 359 2201
Nanotechnology 301 340 2206
Chemical Engineering 309 352 2418
Environmental Chemistry 355 404 2442
Inorganic Chemistry 363 409 2489
Physical chemistry 377 426 2615
Organic Chemistry 409 458 2709
Biochemistry 700 756 3834

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences rankings

Marietta College ranked 855th for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 3922nd in the World with 771 publications made and 7,508 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Philosophy, Law, History, Sociology.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ranking Location
#855 of 1,728 In the United States
#924 of 1,819 In North America
#3922 of 7,020 In the World

Marietta College
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Publications & Citations

Year Liberal Arts & Social Sciences publications Liberal Arts & Social Sciences citations
1991 9 108
1992 9 88
1993 15 92
1994 15 81
1995 6 82
1996 6 119
1997 4 89
1998 2 91
1999 5 98
2000 21 87
2001 18 75
2002 13 133
2003 12 101
2004 7 78
2005 17 99
2006 20 119
2007 15 109
2008 24 108
2009 26 116
2010 25 149
2011 25 198
2012 13 186
2013 32 204
2014 24 221
2015 9 197
2016 7 242
2017 21 245
2018 21 259
2019 20 297
2020 18 340
2021 24 387
2022 10 418
2023 21 376

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Library and Information science 696 751 2178
Theology / Divinity / Religious studies 818 884 2762
Education Majors 850 917 2954
History 726 792 3222
Linguistics 739 801 3596
Law 899 969 3663
Political Science 873 943 3721
Archaeology 768 836 3724
Philosophy 808 879 3857
Sociology 984 1055 4066

Environmental Science rankings

Marietta College ranked 663rd for Environmental Science in the United States and 3614th in the World with 750 publications made and 11,288 citations received. Main research topics: Geology, Geography and Cartography, Paleontology, Ecology, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science.

Environmental Science ranking Location
#663 of 1,598 In the United States
#724 of 1,687 In North America
#3614 of 6,798 In the World

Marietta College
Environmental Science Publications & Citations

Year Environmental Science publications Environmental Science citations
1991 24 219
1992 15 260
1993 16 230
1994 12 235
1995 9 237
1996 3 258
1997 3 235
1998 3 242
1999 4 188
2000 6 193
2001 7 196
2002 18 239
2003 13 171
2004 12 198
2005 9 193
2006 8 182
2007 5 188
2008 15 176
2009 20 206
2010 8 207
2011 19 266
2012 7 243
2013 16 293
2014 11 301
2015 7 265
2016 10 309
2017 9 327
2018 19 343
2019 23 386
2020 19 394
2021 17 486
2022 4 452
2023 14 391

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Environmental Science.

Environmental Science subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Environmental Chemistry 355 404 2442
Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 383 432 2456
Oceanography 462 519 2656
Earth science and Geophysics 520 574 2989
Geology 584 642 3259
Geography and Cartography 642 704 3462
Paleontology 656 716 3470
Environmental Management 604 667 3878
Ecology 728 794 3985

Biology rankings

Marietta College ranked 695th for Biology in the United States and 3741st in the World with 717 publications made and 13,410 citations received. Main research topics: Paleontology, Nanotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Botany.

Biology ranking Location
#695 of 1,582 In the United States
#754 of 1,668 In North America
#3741 of 6,770 In the World

Marietta College
Biology Publications & Citations

Year Biology publications Biology citations
1991 27 299
1992 14 300
1993 14 281
1994 6 247
1995 10 286
1996 5 234
1997 2 259
1998 5 234
1999 4 215
2000 11 220
2001 5 227
2002 2 227
2003 10 194
2004 11 222
2005 7 225
2006 9 213
2007 12 232
2008 11 217
2009 19 219
2010 17 214
2011 18 315
2012 8 300
2013 22 337
2014 18 367
2015 8 323
2016 14 378
2017 9 364
2018 11 377
2019 12 411
2020 22 438
2021 17 517
2022 8 470
2023 16 486

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Biology.

Biology subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Nanotechnology 301 340 2206
Botany 609 666 3405
Paleontology 656 716 3470
Biochemistry 700 756 3834
Neuroscience 929 996 3965
Genetics 782 840 3972

Computer Science rankings

Marietta College ranked 791st for Computer Science in the United States and 3967th in the World with 545 publications made and 6,135 citations received. Main research topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Telecommunications, Neuroscience, Computer Vision, Library and Information science.

Computer Science ranking Location
#791 of 1,576 In the United States
#855 of 1,662 In North America
#3967 of 6,752 In the World

Marietta College
Computer Science Publications & Citations

Year Computer Science publications Computer Science citations
1991 13 92
1992 9 96
1993 17 78
1994 18 85
1995 6 86
1996 4 108
1997 6 109
1998 2 96
1999 2 91
2000 12 93
2001 9 82
2002 26 209
2003 20 98
2004 7 86
2005 7 122
2006 4 137
2007 10 131
2008 12 100
2009 11 105
2010 12 159
2011 10 207
2012 11 173
2013 17 194
2014 14 190
2015 8 199
2016 3 198
2017 21 188
2018 19 222
2019 12 229
2020 14 229
2021 15 289
2022 7 299
2023 11 260

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Computer Science.

Computer Science subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Library and Information science 696 751 2178
Telecommunications 439 491 2764
Computer Vision 517 571 3131
Computer Networking 619 680 3381
Cognitive Science 708 770 3470
Artificial Intelligence (AI) 739 804 3923
Neuroscience 929 996 3965

Medicine rankings

Marietta College ranked 839th for Medicine in the United States and 3955th in the World with 435 publications made and 5,176 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Pathology, Surgery, Radiology and Nuclear medicine, Anatomy and Physiology.

Medicine ranking Location
#839 of 1,558 In the United States
#903 of 1,643 In North America
#3955 of 6,680 In the World

Marietta College
Medicine Publications & Citations

Year Medicine publications Medicine citations
1991 6 57
1992 6 54
1993 7 64
1994 5 52
1995 4 66
1996 2 59
1997 4 58
1998 7 62
1999 3 43
2000 4 56
2001 5 67
2002 6 87
2003 10 53
2004 14 71
2005 11 73
2006 18 67
2007 10 96
2008 20 77
2009 13 93
2010 18 94
2011 20 156
2012 11 175
2013 25 189
2014 20 203
2015 6 199
2016 11 214
2017 11 206
2018 13 234
2019 11 232
2020 12 249
2021 17 305
2022 7 307
2023 9 283

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Medicine.

Medicine subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Surgery 637 685 2886
Radiology and Nuclear medicine 640 691 3247
Anatomy and Physiology 706 759 3387
Psychiatry 860 924 3497
Pathology 821 884 4110

Psychology rankings

Marietta College ranked 886th for Psychology in the United States and 3710th in the World with 334 publications made and 4,018 citations received. Main research topics: Social Psychology, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Education Majors, Child Psychology.

Psychology ranking Location
#886 of 1,527 In the United States
#952 of 1,612 In North America
#3710 of 6,528 In the World

Marietta College
Psychology Publications & Citations

Year Psychology publications Psychology citations
1991 4 33
1992 1 25
1993 8 28
1994 2 24
1995 3 30
1996 3 36
1997 2 40
1998 4 31
1999 1 31
2000 6 29
2001 4 44
2002 3 46
2003 9 43
2004 4 44
2005 8 51
2006 15 48
2007 12 70
2008 14 59
2009 17 82
2010 16 78
2011 17 124
2012 9 110
2013 13 126
2014 18 156
2015 6 152
2016 6 153
2017 12 155
2018 11 165
2019 9 195
2020 15 201
2021 11 228
2022 6 262
2023 8 234

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Psychology.

Psychology subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Child Psychology 708 765 2271
Social Psychology 766 829 2862
Education Majors 850 917 2954
Cognitive Science 708 770 3470
Psychiatry 860 924 3497
Neuroscience 929 996 3965

Business rankings

Marietta College ranked 889th for Business in the United States and 4300th in the World with 198 publications made and 1,446 citations received. Main research topic: Management.

Business ranking Location
#889 of 1,334 In the United States
#958 of 1,412 In North America
#4300 of 6,187 In the World

Marietta College
Business Publications & Citations

Year Business publications Business citations
1991 4 22
1992 3 23
1993 8 13
1994 1 14
1995 3 16
1996 2 21
1997 0 22
1998 1 27
1999 0 24
2000 5 18
2001 7 23
2002 5 30
2003 5 13
2004 1 19
2005 6 24
2006 7 18
2007 3 27
2008 4 17
2009 5 39
2010 2 45
2011 5 50
2012 3 42
2013 8 59
2014 10 60
2015 3 59
2016 2 62
2017 5 59
2018 12 60
2019 6 82
2020 3 93
2021 12 97
2022 2 100
2023 8 89

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Business.

Business subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Management 826 895 4073

Art & Design rankings

Marietta College ranked 821st for Art & Design in the United States and 3432nd in the World with 179 publications made and 1,421 citations received. Main research topics: Fashion Design, Literature.

Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.

Art & Design ranking Location
#821 of 1,321 In the United States
#889 of 1,404 In North America
#3432 of 5,720 In the World

Marietta College
Art & Design Publications & Citations

Year Art & Design publications Art & Design citations
1991 4 22
1992 3 25
1993 7 28
1994 0 23
1995 3 18
1996 0 22
1997 1 13
1998 0 27
1999 1 18
2000 4 32
2001 5 23
2002 1 36
2003 5 23
2004 1 24
2005 2 22
2006 2 16
2007 4 37
2008 7 33
2009 2 29
2010 4 42
2011 4 44
2012 3 38
2013 10 32
2014 5 43
2015 3 43
2016 3 44
2017 12 37
2018 8 40
2019 6 45
2020 2 76
2021 5 56
2022 3 81
2023 2 65

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Art & Design.

Art & Design subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Literature 807 872 3182
Fashion Design 793 860 3677

Economics rankings

Marietta College ranked 993rd for Economics in the United States and 4498th in the World with 159 publications made and 924 citations received. Main research topic: Development Studies.

Economics ranking Location
#993 of 1,317 In the United States
#1065 of 1,400 In North America
#4498 of 5,995 In the World

Marietta College
Economics Publications & Citations

Year Economics publications Economics citations
1991 3 16
1992 1 13
1993 1 6
1994 0 7
1995 3 15
1996 0 12
1997 2 16
1998 0 11
1999 1 11
2000 3 8
2001 3 14
2002 2 19
2003 3 10
2004 2 13
2005 5 18
2006 6 13
2007 6 21
2008 3 16
2009 4 25
2010 4 28
2011 9 33
2012 2 35
2013 6 45
2014 10 39
2015 3 36
2016 1 54
2017 7 48
2018 5 50
2019 9 52
2020 3 72
2021 8 65
2022 1 89
2023 9 78

The following table provides academic rankings for Marietta College in various areas of Economics.

Economics subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
Development Studies 965 1036 4127

Other rankings

Non-core subjects for Marietta College

Speciality United States North America World Rank
Math Teachers 621 672 1895
Mathematics 798 863 3965
Statistics 839 906 4314