Oklahoma Wesleyan University Rankings

Oklahoma Wesleyan University logo
EduRank.org best universities badge
Ranking Category
#6752 of 14,131 In the World
#1865 of 2,597 In North America
#1776 of 2,496 In the United States
#22 of 31 In Oklahoma State

Quick Review

Acceptance rate
Avg. cost to attend
$26,811 /y
Aid receiving
Male:Female Ratio
Highest Degree
Doctor's degree

Oklahoma Wesleyan University Acceptance rate and admissions statistics

Oklahoma Wesleyan University has an acceptance rate of 77% and is in the middle in terms of the difficulty of admission among universities in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

Total Men Women
Acceptance Rate 77% 79% 74%
Applicants 688 434 254
Admissions 530 342 188
Freshmen enrolled full time 192 111 81
Freshmen enrolled part time 3 2 1

363 students enrolled in some distance education courses.

210 enrolled exclusively in distance education.

Admissions requirements

Secondary school GPA Required
Secondary school rank Required
Secondary school record Required
TOEFL Required
College-preparatory program Neither required nor recommended
Formal demonstration of competencies Neither required nor recommended
Other Tests Neither required nor recommended
Recommendations Neither required nor recommended
SAT/ACT Neither required nor recommended

Enrollment demographics by race or ethnicity

White 483 (53%)
Race or Ethnicity unknown 126 (14%)
Hispanic 79 (9%)
Two or more races 69 (8%)
Nonresident Alien 62 (7%)
Black or African American 59 (7%)
Asian 13 (1%)
American Indian or Alaska Native 11 (1%)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 2 (0.2%)

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

The average net cost to attend Oklahoma Wesleyan University is $26,811 per year, calculated as the sum of the average cost of tuition, room and board, books, and supplies, reduced by the amount of average financial aid received.

The final cost of attendance varies for each student based on household income, residency, program, and other factors.

Net average cost to attend
Average aid awarded
Students receiving aid

Average costs by household income

<$30K $24,466
$30-48K $22,817
$48-75K $25,989
$75-110K $29,978
$110K+ $30,103

Tuition and fees

Tuition in-district $29,698$9,900
Tuition in-state $29,698$9,900
Tuition out-of-state $29,698$9,900
Fee in-district $1,768$1,095
Fee in-state $1,768$1,095
Fee out-of-state $1,768$1,095

Room and board costs

Dormitory capacity 509
Combined charge for room and board $9,182
Room charge $4,742
Meal charge $4,440

Oklahoma Wesleyan University majors

Oklahoma Wesleyan University has granted 136 bachelor's degrees across 25 programs and 39 master's across 4 programs. Below is a table with majors that lead to degrees at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.

Major Associate Bachelor Master
Business & Commerce, General 30
Business Administration and Management, General 24
Registered Nursing & Registered Nurse 24
General Studies 11 1
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other 10
Digital Communication and Media & Multimedia 10
Accounting 7
Organizational Leadership 7
Elementary Education and Teaching 6
Sport and Fitness Administration & Management 6
Chemistry, General 5
Education, General 5
Exercise Science and Kinesiology 5
Psychology, General 5
Biology & Biological Sciences, General 1 2
Business & Corporate Communications, General 3
Criminology 3
Marketing, Other 3
Nursing Science 3
Religion & Religious Studies 3
English & Language Arts Teacher Education 2
Music Management 2
Social Sciences, Other 2
Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education & Fitness, General 2
Business & Managerial Economics 1
Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Studies 1
Human Resources Management & Personnel Administration, General 1
Physical Sciences, General 1
Religious & Sacred Music 1
Theology and Religious Vocations, Other 1
Theology & Theological Studies 1
Grand Total 14 136 39

Oklahoma Wesleyan University has a graduation rate of 28%, which is among the 10% lowest for universities in the US.

Total Men Women
Graduation rate 28% 20% 40%
  • Full-time retention rate - 49%

Publications & Citations

Oklahoma Wesleyan University has published 32 scientific papers with 201 citations received. The research profile covers a range of fields, including Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Medicine, Political Science, Law, Philosophy, Business, Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Theology / Divinity / Religious studies.


Publication / Citation count by topic

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
20 / 89
14 / 129
Political Science
14 / 54
13 / 53
12 / 45
10 / 29
Computer Science
9 / 69
9 / 105
9 / 47
Theology / Divinity / Religious studies
8 / 15
Art & Design
8 / 32
7 / 29
7 / 38
Environmental Science
7 / 35
7 / 22
Geography and Cartography
6 / 34
6 / 26
6 / 52
6 / 16
6 / 28
5 / 27
5 / 25
Development Studies
4 / 18
4 / 18
Communications and Public Relations
4 / 20
4 / 15
4 / 22
4 / 18
4 / 21
4 / 16
4 / 16
4 / 14
Physical Therapy
3 / 11
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
3 / 11
3 / 4
Econometrics and Mathematical Economics
3 / 4
Social Psychology
3 / 19
Math Teachers
3 / 80
Organic Chemistry
3 / 4
Materials Science
3 / 13

Annual publication & citation counts

Year Publications Citations
1992 0 2
1993 0 0
1994 0 0
1995 1 0
1996 0 1
1997 0 0
1998 0 1
1999 0 1
2000 0 0
2001 0 1
2002 0 0
2003 0 0
2004 1 0
2005 1 0
2006 1 0
2007 3 1
2008 1 0
2009 0 0
2010 0 0
2011 0 0
2012 2 2
2013 1 6
2014 1 12
2015 1 9
2016 3 17
2017 4 9
2018 3 14
2019 1 21
2020 1 12
2021 2 21
2022 0 22
2023 0 25
2024 1 20

Notable alumni

  1. Jordan Tata

    Jordan Tata
    Born in
    United States Flag United States
    1981-.. (age 44)
    baseball player

    Jordan Arthur Tata is an American former professional baseball pitcher. He played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Detroit Tigers from 2006 to 2007. He played college baseball at Sam Houston State. He is 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 m) tall and weighs 220 pounds (100 kg). Tata bats and throws right-handed.

General info

Alternative names OKWU or OWU
Founded 1910
Motto A University where Jesus is Lord
Colors university navy, red
Academic calendar Semesters
Total FTE staff 143
Carnegie classification Master's Colleges & Universities: Small Programs

Location and contacts

Address 2201 Silver Lake Rd
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, 74006-6299
United States
City population 37,000
Phone 9183336151

Oklahoma Wesleyan University in social media