St Olaf College ranked 712th in the United States, 2737th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 23 research topics. St Olaf College ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 2,736 academic publications and 37,036 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 63 notable alumni.
St Olaf College ranked 520th for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 2308th in the World with 1,847 publications made and 19,505 citations received. Main research topics: Philosophy, Political Science, Law, History, Sociology.
St Olaf College ranked 619th for Biology in the United States and 3422nd in the World with 1,037 publications made and 22,007 citations received. Main research topics: Genetics, Biochemistry, Paleontology, Neuroscience, Botany.
St Olaf College ranked 577th for Environmental Science in the United States and 3219th in the World with 980 publications made and 17,755 citations received. Main research topics: Geography and Cartography, Geology, Ecology, Paleontology, Oceanography.
St Olaf College ranked 594th for Computer Science in the United States and 3099th in the World with 937 publications made and 15,163 citations received. Main research topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Library and Information science, Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Computer Networking.
St Olaf College ranked 533rd for Physics in the United States and 3167th in the World with 843 publications made and 17,869 citations received. Main research topics: Quantum and Particle physics, Materials Science, Optical Engineering, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Acoustical Engineering.
St Olaf College ranked 565th for Engineering in the United States and 3477th in the World with 799 publications made and 20,942 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Optical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Acoustical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering.
St Olaf College ranked 584th for Chemistry in the United States and 3541st in the World with 707 publications made and 15,125 citations received. Main research topics: Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, Physical chemistry, Nanotechnology.
St Olaf College ranked 751st for Medicine in the United States and 3537th in the World with 653 publications made and 13,538 citations received. Main research topics: Pathology, Psychiatry, Public Health, Nursing, Health Science.
St Olaf College ranked 439th for Art & Design in the United States and 1747th in the World with 581 publications made and 3,487 citations received. Main research topics: Literature, Art History, Fashion Design, Aesthetics, Creative Writing.
Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.
St Olaf College ranked 670th for Psychology in the United States and 2756th in the World with 579 publications made and 10,931 citations received. Main research topics: Social Psychology, Psychiatry, Education Majors, Neuroscience, Child Psychology.
St Olaf College ranked 666th for Mathematics in the United States and 3414th in the World with 436 publications made and 5,230 citations received. Main research topics: Statistics, Math Teachers, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.
St Olaf College ranked 665th for Economics in the United States and 2934th in the World with 382 publications made and 4,018 citations received. Main research topics: Development Studies, Finance, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.