List of 3 best universities in Chimbote
Top 3 universities in Chimbote ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing citations received by academic publications made by 3 universities from Chimbote, the popularity of recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Chimbote
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
116 | Cesar Vallejo University | 10 | Trujillo |
116 | Antenor Orrego Private University | 37 | Trujillo |
117 | National University of Trujillo | 8 | Trujillo |
117 | Private University of the North | 17 | Trujillo |
117 | Catholic University of Trujillo | 82 | Trujillo |
117 | Leonardo Da Vinci Private University | 121 | Trujillo |
117 | Private University of Trujillo | 130 | Trujillo |
127 | Santiago Antunez de Mayolo National University | 57 | Huaraz |
153 | Ciro Alegria National University | 111 | Huamachuco |
208 | National University of Barranca | 93 | Barranca |