Best university in Caxias do Sul



We ranked the University of Caxias do Sul based on its reputation, research performance, and alumni impact. The rankings are determined by analyzing 63.6K citations received by 8.73K academic publications made by the university from Caxias do Sul, the popularity of 2 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.

Universities near Caxias do Sul

Distance, km
Country rank
56 Feevale University 101
Brazil Flag
Novo Hamburgo
70 University of the Rio dos Sinos Valley 34
Brazil Flag
Sao Leopoldo
80 Lutheran University of Brazil 60
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83 University of Taquari Valley 104
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84 La Salle University - Brazil 140
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96 Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 4
Brazil Flag
Porto Alegre
96 Federal University of Health Sciences, Porto Alegre 114
Brazil Flag
Porto Alegre
96 State University of Rio Grande do Sul 170
Brazil Flag
Porto Alegre
99 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul 20
Brazil Flag
Porto Alegre
135 University of Santa Cruz do Sul 84
Brazil Flag
Santa Cruz do Sul