List of 4 best universities in Porto Alegre
Top 4 universities in Porto Alegre ranked by EduRank based on research outputs, non-academic prominence, and alumni influence. The rankings are determined by analyzing 1.71M citations received by 153K academic publications made by 4 universities from Porto Alegre, the popularity of 96 recognized alumni, and the largest reference database available.
Universities near Porto Alegre
Distance, km 📏 km | University | Country rank 🏆 | City |
13 | La Salle University - Brazil | 140 | Canoas |
17 | Lutheran University of Brazil | 60 | Canoas |
27 | University of the Rio dos Sinos Valley | 34 | Sao Leopoldo |
42 | Feevale University | 101 | Novo Hamburgo |
95 | University of Taquari Valley | 104 | Lajeado |
96 | University of Caxias do Sul | 51 | Caxias do Sul |
121 | University of Santa Cruz do Sul | 84 | Santa Cruz do Sul |
221 | Federal University of Pelotas | 28 | Pelotas |
221 | Catholic University of Pelotas | 105 | Pelotas |
228 | University of Passo Fundo | 56 | Passo Fundo |